The 5th Policy Note prepared by the TEPAV
Tobacco Control Policy Research Team has been published. The note provides an
analysis on the effect of plain packaging and health warnings in reducing
smoking intensions of Turkish university students. The main findings in this
note are as follows:
-Black (plain) background without brand logos as well as harsher and stronger graphic health warnings are more effective in generating negative affect and avoidance response among the university students.
-The deterring effect of plain packaging and health warnings is greater on female than male students, on late initiators of smoking, and less intense and less nicotine dependent smokers.
-When either one of the new and stronger health warnings or plain packaging is in place, the introduction of the other element does not generate any added impact. Moreover, negative affect and avoidant responses do not translate into intentions to quit within 6 months or sooner.
-It is imperative for policy makers to find innovative and compelling ways of reaching educated youth to encourage them in reducing their smoking and inducing them to cessation.